City Fitness

Advertising | Digital Marketing | Social Media | Art Direction & Copywriting | Design | Film & Photography

the challenge

City Fitness is New Zealand’s largest chain of gyms offering fitness enthusiasts a budget-friendly option without skimping on quality. With more competition from affordable gyms in the market, a lack of fresh creative ideas in their digital marketing was beginning to hold them back.

the thought

Fitness For Every Body

the solution

Good creative isn’t just reserved for traditional media like print or television. As a digital-first agency we were able to bring smart creative ideas to CityFitness’ digital media to increase engagement. Even with an unbeatable offer (you don’t get much better than $6.99/week) the gym giant’s display ads were failing to have as much impact as they once did. We decided a new direction was needed – one that positioned CityFitness as a space for every body. New display ads featured a brighter design, photography highlighting the friendly nature of their staff and smiling, happy, real clients. With traction gaining on our new display ads, CityFitness also needed a more considered approach to their social media. Building on the ‘Fitness for Every Body’ idea we created social media calendars that centered strong creative ideas including sharing simple but effective fitness advice and the positive, inclusive spirit the new art direction developed.